Tae Bo® Nation Instructor
Rules and Regulations
​You cannot become a fully certified Tae Bo® Fitness Instructor without completion of this document, which will be given to you via email before your Certification Zoom Workshop. You will be required to sign and return it and can review it in its entirety here.
As a Certified Tae Bo® Fitness Instructor, I understand that only I am legally permitted to teach Tae Bo® fitness workout/classes at the facility by which I am employed. Under no circumstances may I allow a non-certified instructor to substitute for any of my classes while under the Tae Bo® name. In addition, I am obligated to contact info@taebo.com if I become aware of any instructors illegally teaching Tae Bo® without certificated approval by Billy Blanks® either at the gym at which I am employed or other facilities with which I am associated.
As a Certified Tae Bo® Fitness Instructor, I understand that I am not permitted to use the Tae Bo® name in the title of my facility. Specifically, I am only authorized to state that I am certified to teach Tae Bo® fitness/workout classes and cannot use the Tae Bo® logo nor the title Tae Bo® except in order to advertise classes in any visual or audio media either live or recorded.
I understand that I can use the Tae Bo® name as it refers to the classes I am certified to teach. Specifically, the Tae Bo® name should be used in conjunction with the words “aerobic kickboxing workout/classes”. The Tae Bo® name should not be used as a stand-alone noun without descriptive words specifying its use.
As a Certified Tae Bo® Fitness Instructor, I am legally obligated to use the Tae Bo® trademark and name in their proper form. Specifically, Tae Bo® must always be followed with the Registered Trademark symbol ® to denote that it is indeed a legally protected trademark. In addition, the name Billy Blanks ® (including his likeness) and all Tae Bo® symbols are protected by law and should be used only in conjunction with proper advertising of classes by a certified individual. If I am unsure as to the proper usage of these trademarks, I will contact info@taebo.com directly to clarify these issues.
I understand that I am legally permitted to teach only Introductory and Basic Tae Bo® fitness workout/classes. I am not permitted to teach Do Sen Shi Powered by Tae Bo®, Tae Bo® POWER classes, Tae Bo® Impact, Tae Bo® Flex, Billy’s Boot Camp, Tae Bo® Amped, Tae Bo® T3 or Tae Bo® Kwon classes without explicit written approval from Billy Blanks®. In addition, I understand that I am not permitted to create non-standard classes and represent them as Tae Bo® fitness workout/classes.
As a Certified Tae Bo® Fitness Instructor, I promise not to teach Tae Bo® fitness workout/classes within a 60-mile radius of the Billy Blanks’® World Karate Center also known as the Billy Blanks® World of Fitness, or within a 25-mile radius of Billy Blanks® International Studio, (also known as BBIS).
I understand that it is my responsibility to keep my certification current for the duration of time during which I am teaching Tae Bo® fitness workout/classes. In addition, I will notify info@taebo.com of any address, email address or employment changes.
I understand that only Billy Blanks® can certify Tae Bo® instructors and that I am not authorized to certify other instructors nor to allow others, without certification, to teach under my supervision.
As a Certified Tae Bo® Fitness Instructor, I understand that I am only allowed to conduct Tae Bo® presentations, demonstrations, and exhibitions (other than regular Tae Bo® fitness workout/classes) if they are part of a studio self-presentation and if there will be no charges made to the attendees.
I understand that it is my duty to ensure that the facility in which I conduct Tae Bo ® fitness workout/classes is both safe and adequate for the conduct of such classes and that I release and hold harmless Billy Blanks for any injuries my attendees might suffer from taking my Tae Bo® classes.
I understand that Billy Blanks® and/or his representative agency, Sports Profiles, reserves the right to terminate my certification immediately with or without just cause.