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Tae Bo®Nation Advanced
august 18, 2024
zoom Schedule
*Schedule is subject to change at Billy's discretion

The Zoom session will be 6-7 hours long with breaks as needed.
You will train live with Billy Blanks® and other Tae Bo® Nation Certification registrants.
You should have water, towel, and a notebook, and light snacks nearby.
Please make sure that you have adequate space to train in with room to execute moves in a safe manner.
7:00am PDT
Zoom Meeting ID: ID 880 4881 7799
Meeting Password: GoTeam
Introduction with Melanie
7:15am PDT
Introduction with billy blanks®
Welcome message from Billy
Tae Bo® Technique Training
8 Basic Tae Bo® Moves
Tae Bo® Philosophy
Tae Bo® Combinations
Body Weight Distribution
Transitions (learning to put Tae Bo® moves together)
Communication with Students
Practical Exam
12:45pm PDT
closing with Billy Blanks®
Q&A with Billy
Billy will spend time answering questions and closing up the camp.
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